
Monday, June 25, 2012

Finding a Furry Friend for Rosalie

Hi all!  It's been a while since our last update, but that doesn't mean we don't need your help, because we STILL DO!

In case you hadn't heard, the Jewett's only get to check their fundraising balance twice a month (on the 1st and the 15th every month), and we are coming up on July 1st, and anxiously wondering how close we are to the goal of $13,000!

So, if you haven't already donated to help Rosalie get a service dog, then please do so (follow the links on the side or top of the blog post, and make sure you mention "In honor of Rosalie Jewett" in the subject line).  And if you have already donated [THANK YOU SO MUCH!], please do us a favor and share this story with a friend, or five.  We still haven't reached the goal!

We said that we'd let you know when Rosalie's story was published in the Kent Reporter, and although we're not as prompt as we wanted to be in letting you know, you can still see the article here... it's pretty cool:

We had a picture and blurb on the FRONT PAGE of the paper (w00t w00t!) and we're super happy about the exposure.  As we've said before, the more the merrier!  And just in case you were wondering, there's a typo in the amount actually needed to train a service dog--the article says $27,000 is required by 4 Paws for Ability, but really it's $22,000, which is STILL a ton of money!

So make sure you share the post or the link with your friends... and keep telling everyone about Rosalie!

Thanks everyone!

Sunday, June 17, 2012

HUGE Success!

Hello again!

Whew... what a weekend!  We think that the event was a GINORMOUS SUCCESS!  I'm thinking that everyone involved with the Fundraising Extravaganza (whether it was Garage Sale, Car Wash, Bake Sale, Hot Dogs, or Italian Sodas) is probably just as wiped out as I am... and if not, then you need to tell me what energy supplement you're taking! :D

First of all, before we reveal the grand total raised for the weekend and the current running total, we want to THANK all of you who helped, donated items, donated time, or just came and shopped.  We really really REALLY appreciate the support, and we couldn't have done it without you.

[Photo Credit HERE]
There are a few people who deserve a special 'mention' because they put in a lot of extra time, so be sure to thank them along with us for all their hard work:

  • Megan Charvet for heading up the Garage Sale
  • Eric and Rachel Anderson for heading up the Car Wash
  • Susan Phillips for heading up the Bake Sale
  • Peter Larsen for heading up the Hot Dogs and Italian Sodas

We know that they had lots of help too, but these guys organized and planned so much of the event to make it a lot smoother and less stressful for the Jewett family--thank you again!

In case you missed both days of the event, we have to tell you the truth and admit that you missed an AMAZING couple of days!  There were lots of shoppers getting great deals, and happy faces all around, whether they had just come from the Car Wash or Hot Dog stand, or even if they left the Garage Sale or Bake Sale with a bag of goodies.  So many people came to shop but ended up donating more than what needed to be paid for--WE SALUTE YOU!  The donations really added up, and we're not gonna lie, we love the kind of people that just DONATE!

One highlight of from Saturday was when a couple brought their RV to the Car Wash for a Round #2 of the Fundraiser (they'd already had their other car washed and done some shopping).  The car washers did an extraordinary (and dangerous) job:

Yikes!  This was by FAR the biggest vehicle we washed... and probably the most interesting.  But there were other interesting tidbits going on around the sale... like temporarily selling out all the Hot Dogs... or getting a surprise donation of an electric guitar (a nice one too!) to sell... or the customer who bought ALL of the mocha brownies from the Bake Sale (ALL of them)!

YUP, we had a good time... but...

Fine!  Okay, okay, I know what you've been waiting for... You want to know what the total was for the TWO DAY event... you already read the other blog post, and you're anxious about how close we're getting to being done.  Well, the TOTAL monies raised from the FUNDRAISER are...

Drumroll please...

Keep drumming...

HERE! >>>>>

HOLY GUACAMOLE!  Isn't that A-M-A-Z-I-N-G!  Shawna's dream goal was around $6,000 for the event, and she really didn't want to plan another big event, so this total is an absolute BLESSING!  And now, we have the current TOTAL for all donations made before/ after the fundraiser so far...

We're so close to the goal of $13,000 to get Rosalie a service dog!  We're really hopeful that with your help and a little more work, we'll be done with the fundraising soon (like end of July hopefully) so the Jewett family can get their travel date sooner and start utilizing their dog for Rosalie when she really needs it! Keep praying for a speedy finish to the fundraising...

Thanks again to everyone who helped!

Until next time... stay classy!

Saturday, June 16, 2012

Full Swing! and TOTAL $$ Raised!

Here we go!  It's the second day of the Fundraising Extravaganza for 4 Paws For Rosalie, and we're super excited about the results and the day to come.  (If you read to the bottom, you'll also see how much we've raised so far!)

Yesterday we had a HUGE turnout to the event, and all parts of the fundraiser were busy pretty much the whole time.  At the cash out stand for the Garage Sale, there was almost always a line of people waiting to check out, and for the most part, once they heard about where the money was going to, they were willing to donate a few more dollars to the cause!  But don't worry, if you weren't able to come to the sale yesterday, there's STILL tons of great treasure to look through... you seriously don't want to miss it!  I overheard one person saying that it was like looking through a small thrift store (which is true), but that the prices were better (which is also true!).  I mean, c'mon, clothes for 25 cents unless otherwise marked!  How can you get a better deal?

And the Bake Sale... don't even get me started... well, you already have--there are SO MANY great things baked up, that it's made ME pull out my wallet more than once.  I won't divulge how many Bake Sale items I digested, but let's just say that I was quite jealous of a friend who snagged a $12 Chocolate Chip Cookie Pie before me.  Very jealous indeed.  Again, still tons of goodies to go around.  One of my favorites were the Rice Crispies... they were actually on sale at the check out table in the Garage Sale area, and more than a few people decided to go for the add-on.  All for a good cause!

Thankfully yesterday's weather cooperated for the Car Wash, and today promises to be great too!  The workers were sending cars away squeaky clean and shiny, mine had to wait till today for that TLC, but I know that no matter who is in charge over there I'll get stellar service.

One last part of the event was super tempting to just about everyone... the Hot Dogs smelled amazing, and Italian Sodas came with sprinkles!  How can you resist?  More people were seen with one or the other than not.  What a blessing!

Everyone's excited about what's to come today, but before we head over there, we have an update for you on the total money raised at yesterday's part of the event!

From all parts of the Fundraising Extravaganza (Garage Sale, Car Wash, Bake Sale, Hot Dogs, and Italian Sodas) we raised...


Wow, can you believe it?  That's so amazing!  We started out with a little over a thousand in donations before the event, and we filled in the Goal Thermometer yesterday according to the totals we were getting from Shawna's count-up.  But $4,367.90 from the event ALONE?!  What a HUGE blessing!  We want to see that thermometer blow past the top total, and we can only do it with YOUR HELP!

Come down to Trinity Baptist Church in Renton and check us out!

We have only high hopes for today, so come out and support 4 Paws For Rosalie!

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

The Final Countdown!

It's the Final Countdown!
Our Fundraiser is in it's last days... only TWO MORE WAKE UPS!

We have been working on lots of details, and they're all (starting) to come together.  Thankfully we have lots of people who have been willing to step in and help, whether from the beginning or just now at the last minute...  If you didn't already volunteer, and have the desire and can donate the time, please leave a comment below, and we'll be sure to have a job for you!

Check out some of the signs we've made to make getting to our event easier...

Shawna Jewett painting a sign
Carolyn Partsch adding details with a Sharpie

In case you missed it, our big fundraiser for Rosalie's service dog consists of several parts: Garage Sale, Car Wash, Bake Sale, Hot Dogs and Italian Sodas.

This is going to be a huge deal.  The Garage Sale by itself is already ENORMOUS, and there are lots more people who are still donating items even tomorrow!  We have been graciously loaned the use of two huge CIRCUS TENTS for the event, and they're going to be stuffed to the brim with all sorts of garage sale magic!  Look at the list below...

  • Antiques
  • Art 
  • Baby items - absolutely everything
  • Books
  • Camping supplies
  • Clothing - men's / women's / teens / kids / ALL sizes
  • Collectibles
  • Craft Items - stamps / papers / supplies / and more
  • DVD's
  • Electronics
  • Furniture - couches / chairs / tables / shelves / end tables / benches / TONS
  • Games
  • Holiday decor
  • Housewares
  • Jewelry 
  • Kids stuff - books / toys / movies
  • Kitchenwares 
  • Outdoor items 
  • Shoes 
  • Sporting goods 
  • Tools
  • Toys 
  • TONS more, truly too much to list...

And do you know what the greatest part about this whole thing is?  EVERYTHING listed above was donated!  The Jewett family didn't have to go out looking for the huge stash you see above... lovely people (like you!) just gave from the goodness of their hearts.  That thought has incredibly blessed everyone involved.  You are awesome, all of you donaters... you know who you are!

Speaking of blessings... there are going to be some baked blessings at the event.  This list below has already started making me drool--someone will have to come take these BAKE SALE goodies off our hands, otherwise the results won't be pretty!

  • Brownies
  • Rice Crispies
  • Cookies
  • Monster Cookies
  • Gluten-free Goodies
  • Homemade Fudge Sauce
  • Jam
  • Pies

Oh how that list makes me smile!  I know almost all of the bakers personally, and let me tell you... this stuff is going to be divine.  Simply.Awesome.  (By the way, all the baked goods are donated as well, and if your heart isn't dancing for joy at that amazing fact, I'm not sure what will do the trick!)

So, even if you're not a big garage sale guru, come for the food!  Because the Bake Sale isn't the only food enticement.  We are also going to be grilling HOT DOGS and making custom flavored ITALIAN SODAS.  The weather reports are great for this weekend, and the sun will hopefully put you in the mood for some backyard style refreshment.

We really can't get any better than that... but oh wait, we CAN!

Thanks to a bunch of energetic individuals, we're setting up a CAR WASH station where you leave your vehicle for some TLC while you browse.  How convenient is that?

All in all, this is a really awesome and big deal, and we're hoping you share the information.  We're trying to get the word out as best we can via Craigslist, Facebook, email, etc.  Please help us out by passing it along to your friends, coming with a car-load yourself, or donating some time and energy.

Check out (and share) the Craigslist ad here:

Thanks for stopping by, we hope to see you Friday or Saturday!

Trinity Baptist Church
18652 116th Ave SE
Renton, WA 98058


Friday, June 15th
Saturday, June 16th
9am - 5pm BOTH days

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

The more the merrier!

We have exciting news to share!

The last few weeks have been busy with a big push to get the need for a service dog and the fundraising event publicized.  As part of the plan to get the word out, I contacted a few local newspapers.  After a few phone calls, an interview was set up, and...

Yesterday, Shawna had an interview with a writer from the Kent Reporter!  We're thankful for the opportunity to share with more people, and I was excited because I got to contribute a small portion (I'm assuming for extra quotes) about how awesome the Jewett family is and how a service dog would help Rosalie.  There's going to be an article featuring Rosalie and her quest for a service dog--how awesome is that?  We're not sure when the article will run, but when we do, we'll be sure to let you know!

There's another piece of exciting news... our Fundraising Extravaganza is now listed on Spirit 105.3's website as well!  You can check it out here.

We're so grateful for the exposure--don't forget to pass the news along to your friends as well!