
Friday, July 26, 2013

Match Time!

We are eagerly awaiting a special email from Rosalie's very own service dog! Tomorrow (or rather today) is the first possible day that we will get to know which dog has been specially trained just for her. 4 Paws works extremely hard to make sure the matches are perfect. It could be a few days yet, but I really hope it's tomorrow.

I can't believe the long wait is almost over. I am actually pretty emotional over this. I am not a big crier but I get tears in my eyes just thinking about getting the email in the next couple of days. The more I learn about what these service dogs are doing for kids all over the country, the more excited and hopeful I am for the results we will see with Rosalie.

We have a long trip ahead of us. We leave this coming Sunday and are planning to be in Fargo, ND on Monday night. We are doing a little visiting in Minnesota and Wisconsin next week. Then we leave for the Dayton, OH area on Friday night next week. We arrive in Dayton in the morning of August 3rd. We will have Saturday and Sunday to get our bearings, grocery shop, and relax before class starts.

!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Class starts Monday August 5th!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

All the kids are excited too. Rosalie tries to leave every time we mention her dog. She also says, "In a minute," when asked about her dog. Kaylin is such a great sister and has an excitement as well as seriousness about the whole concept of a service dog. Holden and Malachi both keep asking if it's Sunday yet. :-)

We have a Facebook group for all the families getting their service dogs this August. We are all going crazy waiting for our matches. There are many stories of people sitting at their computers all day and refreshing email every 5 minutes. It's been good to get to know these families through Facebook over the last year. They are a big part of the journey to Rosalie's service dog. I can't wait to meet them all.

Thanks again for all your support. We couldn't be here without all of you.

Be on the look out for a letter from Rosalie's dog and a picture, too!


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